Friday, March 27, 2009

Eating Red and Processed Meats May Increase Risk of Death

The News Said about that Eating Red meat and red things is not good for body it will just make your body going bad and maybe you will die !! MUAHAHAHAHAHA =]
Or maybe if you eat the meat that plus more things or plus more other meat and it will also make your body health go bad and you will also die !! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH =]

Why it's not good it's because red meats aren't as healthy as "lean meats" doesn't mean that you shouldn't eat them. Everything is good in moderation and meat has a lot of protein so limiting yourself to only one variety doesn't open up a lot of doors. So you can still eat them, just eat them in moderation.

And Why is not good to eat the meat that plus more other meat is because that other meat mix with the fresh meat you eat it will be unhealthy.

QUESTION TIME'S =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =]

The Doctor and people said that it's unhealthy.
About eating RED MEAT is not good and also eating the meat that PLUS OTHER KIND OF MEAT is not good and unhealthy it will make you DIE !! MUAHAHAHAHAH =]
In the whole world.
Because it's unhealthy!
There is information WHY on the top of QUESTION TIME'S =]

Bye Bye~~

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