Sunday, October 26, 2008


Question:Why is not really good to search on website or google?
Searching website is not really good because website only give you a simple answer and there's on any explanation in it so you would not understand and you would not know why the answer is that and what is that thing called and you also don't know how to explan you just only know the answer only so this is what I think why is not really good and searching website to find the answer.and not copy and paste the answer.
Question:Why is better to do the searching on the book or on the dictoinary better to search in the website?
I think because is in the book you can read and you will understand why i the answer like this and how do we get the answer and because you will find the answer by yourself in the book and not in the website only an answer you can know the reason in the book also you will understand and you will learn in the book you read and also dictionary is a kind to search words. and dictionary tell you the answer and also tell you why and have a explanation for you and give you the right explanation you call also learn how to search so I think dictionary and book is better than searching website.
My plan is to do better on the animal researching and find in book and find the dictionary about the animal you find and not searching no website really much and not using copy ad paste and we will find it by ourself and do more better in animal researching.

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