Monday, October 20, 2008

Why should we get the right answer and explanation?

In everything you did,I think answer is important but You also need to write your explanation this is more important than answer.Because you need to think why did you get this answer also how did you get it. How did you do the answer.What ideas did you use.You need to write the explanation that how did you get the answer.That is very important.If you did the homework by yourself.You will know how did you did it How did you think and how did you get the answer.But if the answer is not yours it's someone els gave you the answer and that you will not know how did you do and How did you think to get the answer.And you will not even learn anything because you didn't do it by yourself.So explanation is very important.If you don't write the explanation your answer didn't give anyone learn anything.But the answer is also important.If your answer is wrong your explanation give nothing.So you really need to get the right answer and good explanation.

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