Monday, October 20, 2008

Science post

Something I learned in science.
In science I learned how to do science.When Ms.Smith said we need to do something we did the science.but something did not same is everyone's answer are not the same and our answer is also not the same with other groups we had the not same time finish the science and not same time to finish became ice also not same time to became solid and not sametime with everything but we had a good endding and we had the right endding and good endding. but i was not really being a active learner in class i keep chatting talking and doing anything els and i was not really listening how to do. but our group still having a good endding and we finish the science.

1 comment:

P. Smith said...

Good Job putting your thoughts in writing! Sometimes that is very hard to do.

Next time, be sure to read the assignment on Moodle first (you are missing some things).